This page shows some of the coasters I make.
The rock coasters are sliced on a rock saw and coated with a two part urethane for use as coasters or decoration. Call
for special orders and quantity pricing. By popular demand, most coasters are mix and match, $10 each or any four for $35.
I recently purchased some unusual rocks that were more expensive than ones I've used before. These include the indigo
gabbro, dark (large) petrified whale bone, Peruvian lapis, tiger iron, ocean jasper, mookite, banded amethyst, and tigereye.
These are $14 each or $50 for a set of four.
I have about 300 coasters available, including the ones shown below. I still have plenty of stock of tiger eye, indigo
gabbro, moss agate, petrified palm wood, green banded rhyolite, Mexican coconuts, and banded amethyst, among others, to cut
this winter in preparation for next year's coasters.
I'll be adding pictures of the new coasters as they are competed. Below are some of the coasters that are still available
this year.
Sheen Obsidian, 9 available |
closeup of Rainbow Obsidian coaster |
Gold Sheen Obsidian, 1 avail. Will be cutting more this year |
I've been really
busy - here are some more Rock Coasters
Thunder Egg Coasters, 7 assorted above and below |
Rhodonite, four assorted |
Rhyolite, 4 of these |
Septarian Nodules, last one available |
Jasper Coasters |
Ruby Ziosite, 3 of these |
Jasper Coasters, 11 of these |
I have a lot of rough rock to cut - indigo gabbro, Arizona petrified wood, assorted agates and jaspers; basically whatever
types of rocks I can find or dig up, so my selection is always changing. The size varies from over 3 inches to about five
inches. Coasters can be round, square, or oddly shaped.
$10.00 each or 4 for $35.00
Assorted Jade Coasters, 4 available |
Jade/Thulite Coasters, 1 available |
Above picture shows some of my Mexican Coconut Geodes. I have about a dozen available
Brazilian Agates |
Brazilian Agates, Just a few of these available, as shown
Thunder Eggs |
Opalized Wood coasters, 4 of these |
The following coasters are $14 each, with $6.00 off any four.
Picasso Marble, 7 available (3 with black and 4 that are the light color) |
Lepidolite coasters, five available |
Banded Amethyst, 7 available |
Dumortierite, 8 available |
Petrified Wood |
Petrified Palm Wood, 1 left |
Indigo Gabbro coasters, 7 available |
Lace agate. 8 total available |
lace agate |
Dendritic Agate, 8 available |
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about custom creations!
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